Resources Near You

Chronic Condition services across Canada:

British Columbia: Self Management BC

Alberta: Alberta Health Services

Misericordia Community Hospital Pain Management Clinic

Physician Directory

Lifemark Meadowlark Centre

Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Health Authority:

Manitoba: Wellness Institute in Manitoba:

Nova Scotia:  Nova Scotia Chronic Pain Self-Management Resources

Physician Directory

Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Health and Wellness Services

Ontario- Chronic Pain Clinics in Ontario

  Physician Directory

 Outpatient Chronic Pain Clinics in Ontario (by doctor referral):

             -5 week pain management program, intervention clinic

             -OHIP funded

             -group pain management, family and depression groups; interventions; Allied health consults

             -currently most services are virtual

             -OHIP funded

             -interventions, care plan  

             -OHIP funded

             -interventions, care plan  

             -OHIP funded

             -interprofessional clinic

             -provides assessment, care plan for chronic pain

             -short-term care, medication management

             -OHIP funded


Other Resources in Ontario:


-Drs Laura Katz and Greg Tippin, C Psych., Michael G. DeGroote Pain Clinic, Hamilton, ON 

-Dr. Health Getty, Psychologist, Pain Management Program, St. Joseph’s Health Care London

-free modules to help you manage your pain

             -OHIP funded

             -tools to manage chronic conditions

             -free web-based support program

             -one-to-one health coaching, online webinars  

             -make plans to support healthy changes that are important to you

             -free to Ontario residents

-Excellent free resources and information

We hope to have more resources and locations (including the Provinces/Territories missed in this list and international) available soon. If a self management service in your area has helped you, please e-mail us so we can add it to the list: Huge thank you to Emily for sharing resources in Ontario!