Living With CRPS 

These tips, tricks and helpful resources have all been recommended for CRPS Warriors BY CRPS Warriors.  

Although we are all different, patients have reported minor relief and added abilities from using these techniques and tips when necessary. Have a tip to share? email us to add it to the list!

Upper extremity (hand/arm) CRPS:

Lower extremity (foot/leg) CRPS:

Some patients are unable to have anything on their CRPS limb, while others require a certain material and compression for comfort. We are all different. Here are some options:

Other tips:

Sensitivity to lights or sound?:

Helpful tools for mobility around the house:

Helpful tools for the kitchen:

Helpful tools for cleaning:

We have learned that the best way to truly Conquer CRPS is to use a Full Body Approach. Although CRPS is considered a chronic pain condition, it does affect every nervous system in our bodies. Taking care of our mental health will benefit our physical health as it is all connected through our nervous systems.

Self Help Techniques and tools:

Sleep Time:


Helpful Apps for Smart Devices:

Supplements/Natural options:

-We are NOT doctors- Patients who use these supplements find them beneficial because it works for them. Every patient is different. Please contact your medical provider before trying anything. 

Magnesium Glycinate (glycinate has been recommended by doctors as it is the 'easiest form of magnesium for the stomach')

Vitamin C has been proven to help decrease CRPS symptoms, including pain. Many doctors recommend their patients take it daily.

Cinnamon has anti inflammatory properties, among many other medical benefits. Many patients add this to their coffee in the morning and add it to their recipes. 

Chaga Mushroom is high in antioxidants which can help reduce inflammation. Studies show it can also fight harmful bacteria, among other benefits. 


Dr Hooshmand's Four F's Diet


CBD/ THC (visit for more information)

Within the first year of diagnosis, please make sure that you are being seen by a Physiotherapist and follow their advice. After your first year, please continue your exercises. 

More to be added soon  12/7/23

 ****DISCLAIMER: We are NOT Doctors. We are CRPS Patients who have spent years researching and connecting with others to learn about their experiences to help others. We want to help in any way that we can, but we are NOT doctors. Please discuss anything major with your medical providers. Some say that patients become the best educators for CRPS, often due to a lack of support from the medical community, but we want to change that. 'CRPS has the highest rated pain, we want the world to know it's name' and we are Stronger Together. So let's work together to raise awareness, be supportive and get the answers to questions we all want to know. MEDICAL REVIEW PENDING**